We re all worried that he will come to a sticky end crossing a busy road to get to see Izzy.
We were shocked to discover that he has been going to the other house most nights for about 10 months. Izzy's owner said that Boris followed her and Izzy home one evening and then just kept on visiting!
It's just as well Izzy loves cats (and not i the fried or boiled sense!)
Perhaps they could be allowed the occasional supervised playdate?
Maybe he is plotting with the dog to deal with Satan cat.
He must really love Izzy. Could this be an animal version of Romeo and Juliet?
Ohh well... at least your cat is not peeing all over the carpet.... My cat has this nasty habit and I can not seem to break it... I am almost tempted to take her to a cat psychologist! :):)
Can cats be restrained, Jams? They have a mind of their own, do as they wish, and choose activities and companions according to their heart.
A long time ago, the boys and I had two cats. We called them Double and Trouble. I had been quite good in training them. They knew they couldn't pee on my carpets. We moved to a condo on a 17th floor. They learned they couldn't walk on the balcony ledge. They had nearly given me a heart attack when I had seen them balancing and peering the long way down. One day, the neighbour knocked at the door. It was to tell me that everyday Double & Trouble went to his place and peed on his carpet. They reached his apartment by climbing over the two ledges which separated our balconies, and walked to his living room through the open door. There was a bit of a space between those ledges. But they managed the jump safely. After that, of course, they were not allowed anymore on the balcony. And soon after, when my sons left, Double and Trouble went to live happily on a farm where they could roam and pee wherever and whenever they felt like it. After all those years, I still miss them. But I was never the boss. They were always in charge of our lives.
Cats are just bloody weird sometimes aren't they?
A love that dare not bark its name Dragonstar!
I was thinking about that nursie! I do love the idea of a goliath of a dog that loves cat.. actually he is a therapy dog so he will be wonderfully tempered
There will be a remedy to that I hope Nevin
Weider than anything Skuds. I love cats but sometimes I just can't fathom them!
Haha Claude, absolutely hilarious but scary. Their agility and balance is amazing though. It was so considerate of them to go out to pee too!
I'm with Beakerkin, I think Boris was negotiating a "hit" on Satan cat. Ted probably arranged it.
["rants" - how appropriate.]
Dam Beak I missed your comment. You and Bryan are probably on to something there!
It is sweet but we are concerned as are Izzy's owners, that he will get run over. We have since discovered that we will have to keep him in until. after midnight. He now goes round at about 11pm to wait for Izzy's evening walk!
My recent booze-up with Boris made me feel the need for an update on his troubled love for Izzy. How's it going? Are they just lost lovers now or has a system been found?
He'll still go there if he's let out late at night. They are truly star crossed lovers
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