16 February 2011

Scientology exposed

I can't say that I have ever seen Boston legal before but I do like this one. Then again Scientologists are a bunch of gullbile arseholes (and many other religions provide some stiff competition!)

Given the level of farting in this household we must be Operating Thetans by now,

Given the vile stench of a Boris fart I am sure he must have some pretty nasty engrams inside him!


SnoopyTheGoon said...

From the little I know about this crapola, Boris produces pure blam compared to scientology. And Boris doesn't ask you to put all your money into his account. Just food ;-)

SnoopyTheGoon said...

"blam" means "balm", of course. Ehehe...

James Higham said...

I think Anonymous would agree with you there, Jams.

jams o donnell said...

Anonymous James?

Haha Compared to L Ron, a Boris turd smells of roses!

Francis Hunt said...

If you can take nine and a half minutes of bullshit (personally I'd much prefer Kim Basinger:-)), this can actually be funny.

Here's Tom Cruise giving his profound thoughts on Scientology

As one comment on YouTube put it:

"nuttier than squirrel shit."

jams o donnell said...

Gah I lasted just over 2 minutes before I bailed out!

Steve Hayes said...

Operating Thetan? They must all be Operating Thetans by now. Surely they must have invented several more levels beyond that, to get the OTs to cough up cash for the next level.

jams o donnell said...

They clearly need Operating Omegan now!