The theme for this week's PhotoHunt is practical. For us a baluster is an excellent way of keeping a balustrade at the correct height. For Robyn it is a very practical way of removing that itch and leaving the scent that remids our other three cats that he is still the Alpha male
Interesting! And such cute photos:)
Mine is up here;
Photo Hunt: Practical
Happy Hunting!
Thats cool pics! TC Mine is up http://happymomiam.blogspot.com/2007/10/photo-hunters-practical.html
Jams, THIS made me laugh. out loud! excellent shots.
LOL yes...a practical use of those dang things. :)
This is such an interesting theme, I am seeing so many different, new perspectives, new meanings for the word practical!
Happy weekend :)
Great pics :-) happy weekend
Cool. Couldn't find anything useful/practical re my felines ;-)
What a beautiful cat and great photos. sara from farmingfriends
I love when cats do that!! Really great photos this week.
Ohhh, such a great shot!
Cute! :)
Well he is the King of the baluster for sure...
Oh yes this is funny, but very practical for the cats in our lives. Enjoy your weekend.
Hehehe very practical indeed! Happy photo hunting .. :)
Love your kitty getting such practical use out of those ballusters. Good choice.
interesting! wonderful shot
happy photo hunting
Great shot! Grams
Wonderful shot! I thought about the scratching post but he wouldn't perform to order, surprise, surprise.
Thanks everyone!
dual purpose ... so practical! :)
enjoy your weekend
Very clever Jams
Love your post Jams. Practical indeed in both ways.
Have a great weekend :)
What a practical kitty. :)
Excellent photo for the theme. He is very ingenious. No doubt give you lots of inspiration for great photos.
LOL! So cute!
lol! that's really practical itchy free balusters...happy PH! mine is up now.
That is very clever. Great photo and have a good weekend.
That is so cute.
Mine is up too.
Haha... and your cat looks as if he's dancing too(= hehe
Happy Weekend to you and your practical kitty cat!!
Aaaaaggghhhhh - I got caught with a LOLCat :)
A great take on the theme. Not that cats are practical - they are more pragmatic - - -
oh gosh, at first I only saw the first photo and I thought your cat was a Pole dancer! ;-)
Cute as can be though!
I like the color of your cat. Thanks for stopping by :)
lol - I love it! what a great pick and pic. :)
Nice way of thinking something differently practical for your cats
Weird Weird Denial
Excellent!! What a great cat you have.
Haha!!! Robyn looks so cute!!!
Ah the pleasure of it - what a face.
Cute choice for The Hunt.
I love to do that as well... hahaha...
Mine is up as well.
Trinity from Rooms of My Heart
THanks everyone
hahahaha...very practical indeed! :)
happy weekend! :)
Thanks for your comment on 'Our Family'. The website has *lots* of animals!
You are very right, balusters are good for scratching!
Robyn, you are a very smart cat! That is a very practical way to scratch an itch! :)
Great photo of the Alpha male! The simple, practical things are the best!
Oh this is purrfect!!!
Ooooo.... clever kitty! And leaving his scent all over them.......
oh! I can't stand too if I ever feel itchy.That's clever. :)
Great post for this week!
Happy Weekend.
Oh Jams! That is purrrrrfectly practical to have that baluster located where one can enjoy a good scratch!
What adorable pictures...he looks as though he is totally absorbed in this activity!!!
Happy Weekend!
Robyn is furry handsome!!!
~ Maggie Mae
Ooooh, I saw a cute picture and learned a new word......baluster. I like it. What's not to like about a word that contains 'lust' in it?
Very practical for cats then! Cool and funny pics! Happy Hunting!
It is amazing that cats find practical such simple,everyday,unasuming things.
Great pic - cats always manage to find some practical use for household fixtures. Have a good weekend, Shaunie.
awww..Robyn is cute. My cats usually do that as well. Better than sprinkling their holy water everywhere.. haha. Great job Jams :)
Cats seem to be very practical animals. They can find a practical use for many things!
THanks everyone.
Lust, EWBL? LUST? I'll have to write to your Bishop!!!:)
Cute pictures!
Too funny. Love the photos!
Photo Hunters
Great practical shots! And Robyn is too cute!
Happy Sunday!
Thats a cute photo!
That is a great shot. Too funny. It is indeed practical to have a place to get at that irritating itch.
Love your cat photos! Thanks for visiting.
Thanks everyone
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