31 October 2007

Yew Berry

This week's Wordless Wednesday. A berry on the Irish yew I planted 8 years ago


Anonymous said...

Jams, this shot is (once again) fantastic. The detail is perfect.

Alison said...

Gorgeous and almost tasty!

Cinnamon Girl said...

That is gorgeous! Cool WW =)

Anonymous said...

Nice shot and nice Yew!

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh! I wondered what those plants were called. There are some on my street too. I love them... though I really wish I had YOUR lens...

Unknown said...

Wow! You planted this! Well, aren't you Mr. Impressive ;) And I post a goofy cat...again. I'll get better, I promised. Happy WW!

Celeste said...

beautiful color and detail

Anonymous said...

beautiful--almost looks like a red olive! Are they edible?

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are always so perfect.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot - and I agree with alison, one can almost taste it! I'm not playing this week, but couldn't help commenting! :)

Kellyology said...

Beautiful. I really like this one.

tammi said...

Incredible colours and contrast! This is awesome!

Cynthia said...

Wow, that's all I got...wow!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

How pretty. - Brightened my evening.

ZAM said...

I can almost taste it! Yum!

Joyismygoal said...

wow is that color enhanced that is so vibrant

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone. I haven't enhanced the colour but I did drop the brightness and increase contrast. THat improves colour saturation.

BTW yew berries are the only part of the tree that are not deadly poisonous are the berries but the seeds extremely poisonous. It would be a case of yu... croak!

maiylah said...

such vibrant colors!
happy WW

My WW post

david mcmahon said...

Nice work - I have to congratulate yew!!

Anonymous said...

Simply Fantastic! You have quite a gift. Happy Halloween!

SandyCarlson said...

I didn't know yew had berries. Now I now! Great photo.

Colin Campbell said...

Beautiful. Can you eat these?

Jos said...

great detail shot!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! It's beautiful. Your capture of the colors is amazing.

Anonymous said...

wow ... amazing colors!
reminds me of Christmas. :)

happy WW

aubreyannie said...

what an amazing shot. oddly enough, i am now hungry for olives. happy ww!

Mama Duck said...

Beautiful! It's almost Christmasy... Happy WW!!

Bernie said...

Very cool shot indeed!

Ours is up as well at burntofferings and more at bernies fotoblog.

Happy WW!!

An Ordinary Mom said...

The color on this shot is out of this world!

Sandee said...

You take the nicest pictures. This is beautiful. Have a great WW. :)

Anonymous said...

Very gorgeous berry. It has a very beautiful shape and colour. Happy Halloween (=

Shelia said...

Beautiful picture!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I love how the berry seems to be demure in showing itself.

Lynne said...

Beautiful shot!

Lori said...

What the heck??? Is it missing part of the side?? Did a bug eat part of it??? Very cool shot. Happy WW and thanks for stopping by.

Serina Hope said...

This is a lovely photograph. Thanks for sharing.

eastcoastlife said...

Wow!! Gorgeous! You seem to have a great garden filled with plants. Is it in any of your posts? Can I see your garden and its plants? I love gardening but I don't have green fingers. hehehe..... I can only admire others' gardens.

Thanks so much for informing me about my broken URL on WW's website. You're such a dear.

muacks muacks..

Siani said...

Gorgeous. I never knew what a yew berry looked like until now. Great shot. Have a happy Halloween/WW, Shaunie!

Anonymous said...

Very nice Jams. Vivid colors and close up...I like it! Happy WW and Halloween.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Love the colors! Wish my cam can do macro-shot, too. Are they edible, the yew berry, by the way?

Anonymous said...

Another appropriately seasonal - and beautifully captured - Wordless Wedensday photo. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture you have here - Hapy WW! Wish you a nice Halloween :)

jams o donnell said...

THanks everyone. The Yew berry is actually edible... in that it isn't deadly poisonous like the rest of teh tree! Done eat the seeds thought. THey are poisonous too.

Yuko Nagai said...

nice composition,
it looks like it's gonna start to...talk!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty! thanks for dropping by Happy WW!

Donna. W said...

Love those close-ups!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Lovely photo! Wonderful colours. :)

MammaMayMiller said...

That's gorgeous. I think I need to get myself a tripod... Thanks for popping over :o)

Hootin Anni said...

My o MY!!! That is a beautiful photo!! Is this the first year it produced berries?

It's gorgeous...you did good.

Katya said...

Hmmmm....never met an Irish yew before, but I do believe American ones are very similar! hahaha! The colors speak "Christmas"! Such a beautiful shot, Jams! Love it!!!

Happy WW!

The Lone Beader® said...

Reminds me of Christmas... :0

Erin Faye said...

beautiful colours! can you eat the berries?

Liz Hinds said...

Fabulous photo!

impwork said...

Beautiful photograph :-)

Ingrid said...

That's amazing ! I have never seen that in my life !

maryt/theteach said...

Jezus! Incredible photo!!! I was gonna ask if you did anything to the color...and I see you did a little. Gorgeous!

Happy WW and happy Halloween!

come visit at Work of the Poet


Answers to the Questions

letha said...

That's amazing

Rambler said...

nice shot Jams

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone for your comments

Anonymous said...

Great shot and lovely plant. Are they hard to grow? Happy WW

Queen of My Domain said...

I really like your photo. You've been posting some really great ones lately. That makes it more fun for me when I come visit. ;)

catsynth said...

Great photo, as always.

Jessie said...

That is the coolest plant photograph I have ever seen. You always have the best pictures!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Hi jams,

You did well with this one. It is a nice feeling to grow something and then photograph it.

We can't plant this anymore around here because the deer will break down fences to get at it and then it takes a long time to fill back in.

Beaman said...

No matter how much artists try to create a work of beauty, they can never better the visual richness of nature. Very nice photo.

Beaman's Bazaar

Anonymous said...

gorgeous photo... love the color!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

that brings back memories. my siblings and i used to mash up those berries that grew in our yard to make "jelly." ;)

wonderful capture!

hope you had a nice halloween!

Scott said...

It's weird all the sources that claim yew berry is deadly poisonous. We have several yews and I'll eat a few berries each year. They are a bit slimy, sweet but astringent. I don't swallow the seeds though, which apparently is the most dangerous part. I've never had ill effects, but I also don't really feel like eating many of them.