Page three was of particular interest (and not for the bare breasted beauty than graces that page, honest!) as it contained an interesting news item about Barack Obama. On the basis of this article I would wholeheartedly recommend that all Americans vote for him...
Why would I say such a thing? Well it seems that Senator Obama is a West Ham fan and has been following them since a UK five years ago. His sister married an Englishman whose family are ardent Hammers fans.
His campaign team recently revealed he is a massive soccer fan and a nifty player himself while a student at Harvard Law School. Apparently he watches Premier League games whenever his schedule allows. A campaign source said last night: “Obama is a big sports nut and loves his soccer. He never really followed it, though, until he was told all about the passion of West Ham fans by some of his English relatives. He’s always keen to find out how his adopted club are getting on.”
Well there you have it. It is common knowledge that all West Ham fans are upright citizens who drink moderately, never swear and always give up their bus seats to old ladies. A supporter of the boys from the Boleyn Ground would thus make an ideal President!
I look forward to hearing “I’m forever blowing bubbles” sung at the White House (a song that has nothing to do with the activities of Michael Jackson and his chimp). On the other hand the song has the lines “just like my dreams they fade and die, fortune’s always hiding....”

I didn't know that about Obama.
Hillary might use that factoid against him.
Well I suppose they can move over to using football chants against each other. Barack could swap Hilary for referee and he has this (sung to my darling clementine)
"Who's you father? who's your father? who's your father Hilary?
Haven't goone, you're a bastard, you're a bastard, Hilary"
West Ham? Oh, he is definitely not getting my vote now!
I heard McCain was all about Manchester United anyhow.
I am from Chicago, and went to school with Michelle Obama - and she is amazing, very bright. I am also a huge Irons fan, so when I came across your post I nearly wet myself.
Oddly, I have been following the primaries with the same dread I felt during last year's relegation drama. I hope Obama can pull this out and send Hillary down...
LOL Typical Ma U fan, living nowhere neat Old Trafford Roland!
We shall see Pazen. Super Tuesday is the acid test eh?
American celebrities have no taste. Not one supports Wolverhampton Wanderers as far as I know.
On the other hand some would say they have impeccable taste! I jest of course. I wonder how avid a Villa fan Tom Hanks is....
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