22 March 2008

Photo Hunt - Metal

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is metal. For once this was easy. Not far away from my house is a metal structure. It's Victorian we think. It could do with with some rust care and a lick of paint but we like it. Have a look at the the following photo and have a guess what it is.


jams o donnell said...

It looks like a lanp post but it's a sewer vent. We're not sure if it is still linked to the drains but they are not a common sight.

Colin Campbell said...

Interesting. This is my professional field and I have never seen one like that. Have a nice weekend.

Carver said...

I love the way that looks. I never would have guessed that it was a sewer vent. I thought it was an old lamp post. Very cool! Hope you have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I would have never guessed it had anything to do with a sewer. Great choice for the theme this week Jams!

CherryPie said...

Very interesting I thought it looked like a lamp post too. How great it is still standing!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a lamp post too. Wow, a sewer vent? I would never have guessed it. Very interesting.

Heart of Rachel said...

It's a lovely subject. I think the rust somehow adds character to it.

jmb said...

Wonderful object for this week's theme Jams. Happy Easter weekend.

Anonymous said...

A tall one !
What is the purpose of this tall metal ?

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I'm curious what's the use of the structure.
Happy Easter Weekend Jams!!!

JesieBlogJourney said...

Is that sewer vent for several buildings? I have never seen one like this before.

Randi said...

Interesting ..,
Looks beautiful - love rusty look!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking lamp post, too. I never would have guessed it was connected to a sewer. I don't think I have ever heard of sewer vents.

Trinity said...

so, it is not a lamp post? Interesting!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a lamp post. And still thinking it is a lamp post. How can it be a sewer vent? Interesting (=

Joyismygoal said...

very cool 'post' squared i like that then i love rusty old things

Natalie said...

I've never seen one of those before. Very interesting!

YTSL said...

Amazing how ornate and beautiful something to do with sewers can be! :b

Satkuru said...

personally i have never came across such structure before :P love the old look it has. giving it a fresh layer of paint will take away the nostalgic look it has :)

The Lone Beader® said...

It's a sewer vent??? Only in England!! LOL. I was thinking it could have been a very ornate lightning rod. LOL!

Leslie: said...

I guess I'm in the majority who thought it was a lamp post. A sewer vent! Wow, I sure hope there aren't any...um...vapours being emitted. lol

Jen said...

I was gonna guess it was a light post, but it's a sewer vent? Very strange, but cool shape!! Have a great weekend!

Corey~living and loving said...

wow! that is totally awesome. :) cool photos.
happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

This has certainly stood the test of times. Great shot for this week's theme!

My hunt is now up, too:

Anonymous said...

On my mind was an old lamp post. The old look gives the place some identity?

ipanema said...

wow...that's a lovely one. nice find! :)

Happy Easter! :)

eastcoastlife said...

I didn't think it is a lamp post, you wouldn't give us such an easy thing to guess. hehe....

Anonymous said...

I knew that... !
Rust Remains.
Good one.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love those shots. Amazing!

Happy Easter!

Dragonstar said...

It looks like an incredibly tall Victorian lamp-post. I'd never have guessed its original use. I love all the intricate decoration on an object that would have been totally utilitarian.

Berto and Kwala said...

hmm. is that a post of some sort?
nice shots!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cool! We would have never guessed what is was. Terrific photos!

Ivÿ said...

so, it's not really a lamp post but sewer vent? how come?

happy photohunting!

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, I was going to say lamp post or sign post....but ewwwwwwwwww, did you have to go and spoil the ambiance here? I sure hope it's not hooked up. Otherwise I'd have to gag. rofl [just kidding]

Happy Easter [or happy weekend, if you don't observe the holiday], and if you can, drop by for my metal interpretation!!! See if you can guess what it is.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know those things existed! I'd never have guessed. I would've been with those that guessed lamp post.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks Everyone!

Daisy said...

I think it looks pretty! Good thing it is so tall so any stinky smell stays far, far away.

Anonymous said...

Cool shot, and that's an amazing structure - even more so considering it's got to do with sewers!! (Which I had not guessed, by the way)
Have a great Easter weekend! :)

Rajson said...

Love that rusty look.No way that I could guess what it was!
Happy Easter!

mrsnesbitt said...

I thought it ws a flagpole!
We visited Ireland for the very first time in 2006. We came to the North West 200, on our motorbike. Great place, hope to visit again.

Gattina said...

I think it's not important what it is because they are very artistic pictures. I would see them in a nice frame in a modern living room.

Anonymous said...

Love the shots looking up!

Happy Weekend.

Susan Demeter said...

I've never seen one like this either! Coolio, and excellent choice for the theme. :)

poor man's nicole richie said...

did not even think....hahaha lamp post.... so it was or is a sewer? hod did or doest it work then?
great shots as usual.

Morning Sniffles

Sarge Charlie said...

Excellent choice for the theme, Happy Easter

Barb said...

It's actually quite graceful for such an ungrateful, though necessary job!

Carin said...

Without looking at other entries I would say it must have been a lamp post or maybe even a flag post.

Happy Easter !

Katney said...

I would have had no clue. At least they are somewhat artistic while being eminently practial. I am glad you put me out of my misery immediatley.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

What an interesting item. We never would have guessed a vent!

~ The Bunch

PowersTwinB said...

It's a sewer vent??? Oh my, we call those "stink holes" here in my house! lol//Great photo for this weeks theme! My hunt is up, please come and visit soon. Happy Easter to you and yours

Bengbeng said...

yr answer sewer vent is so unexpected.

Harajuku PearL said...

a sewer vent?? I never seen one like this before. The first 2 pictures are really interesting with the rust details.


Tokenhippygirl said...

Great group of photos. I'd never have guessed it's use. Very cool.

TorAa said...

Splendid and interesting entry

catsynth said...

Great photo, and really interesting structure.
We're participating in Photo Hunters this weekend, because we like metal :)


Barbara said...

How interesting! It's a wonder the 'health and safely brigade' haven't removed it!!

maryt/theteach said...

Never would have guessed a sewer vent! Marvelous structure!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

Unknown said...

Is is an old lamp post? Cool shot though!

Have a great and blessed Easter!

Queen of My Domain said...

It looks like a giant candlestick holder. I never would have guessed a sewer vent. No wonder the metal is in need of a little care. ;)

Sarge Charlie said...

Do not miss out on that trip to Arlington, I have been several times and it just overwhelms me every time I see it. The changing of the guard makes me cry every time.

sammawow said...

Never ever would have guessed correctly! It is quite beautiful though! I am currently having some sewer problems and nothing here so pretty to look at...

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Sewer vent... I would be...

Great stuff anyway, Jams. Thanks for visiting and have a great week.

Ellee Seymour said...

It was obviously a work of art in its heyday, it looks really interesting. I also liked the metal sculputre on JMB's post. Have a good Easter James.

I'm hoping to write a book and a couple of the chapters will be about tragic stories from Ireland, I've just seen that is where you are from. I'll keep you posted.

jams o donnell said...

THanks everyone. I certainly will not miss it Sarge. It may not be for a couple of years though

Ah Ellee, I'm actually from Romford!

BlueStar said...

Hihi! nice shot! have a nice day~

elasticwaistbandlady said...

A sewer vent??!!? I was going to guess the world's oldest stripper pole. I guess I was wrong.

jams o donnell said...

Ohh there's a thought.. I'll get the not wife to check it out!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Glad you explained - I had no idea what it was!

jams o donnell said...

It's a nice thing to have at the top of the road. I'm glad it's there

r morris said...

I thought it was a spitoon for very tall tobacco-chewers.

jams o donnell said...

A multi-storey cuspidor.. I like it!