The theme for this week's
Photo Hunt is favourite. Here are some of my favourite photos from the early part of the year.

Geranium versicolor

Mimi looking.... errr

The River Rom

Detail from the Battle of Britain memorial, London

Cephalaria bud

Black Poplar at the Chase, Dagenham

WWII Barges on the Thames at Rainham
What a beautiful collection of your favorite pictures, Jams!
Enjoy your weekend :)
Great collection and what a neat idea. I enjoyed all of these photos.
Happy weekend. See you next week.
Oh wow - these are amazing photos and definitely can see why you picked all of these!
A fine sequence of Favourites, Jams. I am undecided what to do.
Oh great shots - the first one is simply gorgeous!
Happy Weekend.
All timeless ang wonderful photographs! I'D pick the cute cat for a fave! ;-)
G'day Jams, hope the week treated you well. :)
Great choices of photos for this week. Actually, I wish she had this topic every week! :)
I do love flowers, I like the color too of you captured flower
(1st photo)... Happy weekend!
Beautiful photos. I love the last one. We have a kitty named Mini Ann who we call Mimi. I have never seen anyone else with a cat they call Mimi. hehe
Love them all, but that pic of Mime is a fave for me :-)
I understand why these are your favorites Jams
Great collection of photos!
I like the last pic the most. Mayb it is bcoz of the b/w treatment but more likely bcoz of the composition n the subject. The River Rom is also one I like very much. Great shots.
Since I didn't start playing until just a few months ago, I enjoyed seeing your retrospective! They're all wonderful, but I have to admit to being especially partial to your florals - just gorgeous!
Here's mine:
Have a great weekend!
You have quite a lot of favorites here this week. I still could not decide... too many options.. haha :P
Great photos, Jams. Particularly like the ones of the River Rom and the WWII barges on the Thames at Rainham.
Not surprised these are your favorite captures for the year.. They're all beautiful :)
Oh that's a nice shots and looks perfect for the theme. Happy weekend.
That's a lovely collection of your favourite photos.
The first National Geographic Store opened on Regent Street, London two weeks ago. A 3-storey store with a cafe and unique exhibits, it receives more than 50,000 shoppers a day. You are so close to it!
Gosh you went all out this week Jams and no stretching the theme. How did you choose which cat to put in and are all the others miffed?
Great idea for the theme. I loved seeing all these beautiful photos. :)
Happy Weekend.
first shot also my fav...
My PH entry this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks
Loved the River Rom shot. It is so well composed and gives such a peaceful feeling.
Wonderful photo's. Especially the photo of the geranium and the photo with that detail from the Battle of Britain memorial. Those eyes really make you think!
Have a nice weekend.
I love the cat! My cat has no personality....none. Lint is more entertaining
From yours 7 favorites..
I pick The River Rom as my best-est favorites :D
A great collection to span the year. That first one is breathtaking!
Thanks everyone!
You've some very interesting photos here, Jams. I can see why they are your favorites. Have a great weekend.
Alice at: I Was Born2Cree8
That first shot is stunning. And despite all my visits to London, I've never been to the battle of Britain memorial.
Good choices all!
Good work. I liked that barge shot when you posted it before. There is something very depressing about it. A history lost?
beautiful collection for this year. i love the last best.
happy weekend! :)
These are ALL great, but I must admit the pic of Mimi is my fave! :)
My Photo hunt entry is here
Thank you for stopping by! :)
Well deserved to be your favourites! Beautiful.
Wonderful photos! Is that a real flower?! It's exquisite!
Happy Photo Hunters! I did mine, too.
I hope you have a spare moment to see, and leave your link.
My favorite is the geranium. It looks like it has purple blood in it's veins! And Mimi is adorable!
All great shots, but I especially love Mimi!
Thanks everyone!
Also a Thank you for your visit to snap2days!
Lovely shots....The flower is breathtaking...
This week's theme was fun - it brought back lots of happy memories. You have such a diverse range of pictures - from your travels to Mimi. I can see why it's impossible to pick just one - all are terrific!
I can see why these photos are your favourites - they're all awesome! :)
Happy weekend Jams!
every single photo is marvellous, but as a Cat and Flowerlover, well - then it's easy to overlook the quality of the others. Unfair, but so it is.
Have a great and busy weekend
wow! I can see why these are favorites! I have to say that I really like the flora, something I never expected. I guess I'm really into macro right now, and I love that crisp, close up detail.
fantastic photos... i would want them all framed and on my wall :-)
What a wonderful collection of favorites, Jams. Truly.
Love all those photos but I must say the Geranium stands out differently, next to Mimi :D
The flower is very nice! :) Thanks for coming.
The flower is very nice! :) Thanks for coming.
Fantastic photos! I love them all. My two favorites are the geranium and Mimi.
i like the first flower photo. looks more like a painting. and i love that photo with mimi.
i like the first flower photo. looks more like a painting. and i love that photo with mimi.
Thanks everyone
I often look ... er ... as well :)
I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit last week.
Thank you for sharing these lovely photos. I'm mesmerized by that beautiful flower.
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