This is a few months old but still worth a post
Mari Valenzuela of Alhambra, California made an astonishing discovery when she finished praying the rosary in December. According to the KTLA news website she noticed an image of the Virgin Mary formed in candle wax.
The wax figure is about six inches tall and appears to show a woman kneeling and praying.
Valenzuela showed the figure to her friends and family who say they've never seen anything quite like it form from wax.\
Valenzuela says she doesn't know what to do with the figure but wants to share it with as many people as she can. In the meantime, she's storing it in her refrigerator so it doesn't melt.
Hmm I wonder if she has ever heard of Ebay?
It sure does look like the Madonna. Do you really think it just appeared?
Another coincidence Welshcakes, but still a great simulacrum
I'm guessing she gave it a little squeeze here and there. I always loved playing with candle wax, didn't you?
Yu may be onto something there Susan. Candle wax is fun!
Is there no end to these sightings?
There probably never will be Nursie!
It sure does look like, eh... long-haired Sally from class 2B at my old school (I spent a lot of time worshiping her from afar when I was 12), except her nose has been chopped off it seems, so not a perfect likeness, but clearly Sally all the same. Sigh...
Ah so it was the Blessed Virgin Sally and not Mary after all?
Sally is clearly more famous than you could have ever imagined H!
Did you notice that miracle? She seemed to have raised the blogging dead for a minute there? Amazing resurection. (Ooops :)
All praise virgin Sally.Let her be known henceforth as St Sally,the patron saint of departed bloggers
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