60 years of Flying Saucers
Sixty years ago today American businessman Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine brilliant objects flying across the face of Mount Rainier in Washington towards Mount Adams at a speed he calculated at over 1200mph (approx 1850 km/h). His sighting received significant media and saying that they “flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water” and also said they were “flat like a pie pan”, “shaped like saucers,” and “half-moon shaped, oval in front and convex in the rear. ...they looked like a big flat disk.”... and thus flying saucers were born, which is why we never saw a film called “Earth versus the foo fighters” or a publication called Ghost Rocket Fighter Review.
There are some that believe that the flying saucers are operated by Fourth Reich Nazis out of their base in Neu Schwabenland in Antarctica. Amazingly this has never really caught the public imagination. After all Antarctica is where H P Lovecraft's Old Ones live!
We have a fabulous institution in Houston named Flying Saucer Pies. Their shiny metallic, round pie plates floating around my house are really the only kind I personally ever want to see.
Now that sounds like teh flying saucer I want to see. are they good with cream and custard?
I am really into UFOs. I've been to Roswell and it's a desert town with a bunch of hokey UFO museums.
Let's just say that their Lemon Cream Pie is my drug of choice. I'm just not a meringue kind of gal.
I must admit I am prety sceptical about most UFO incidents but that doesn't mean we aren't alone or that there isn't a lot of weird stuff out tehre!
Now that sounds like a worthwhile addiction ewbl!
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