Archaeologists believe that they have worked out how Otzi the iceman died: an arrow wound to his shoulder caused him to bleed to death. Despite several scientific tests since he was found in the Italian Alps in 1991, archaeologists had previously been unable to agree whether he died from an arrow wound, a sudden fall or freezing while climbing the high mountains.
Frank Ruehli, of the University of Zurich was able to construct a three-dimensional image of Otzi using high-resolution computer tomography. He found that an arrow had torn a hole in an artery beneath Otzi's left collarbone, leading to massive loss of blood and shock and causing him to suffer a heart attack. His analysis is published online in the Journal of Archaeological Science. Dr Ruehli said the arrow being pulled out before death might have also contributed to the injury. A large haematoma could also be seen in the surrounding tissue, and the iceman probably died shortly after the lesion was caused.
Archaeologists believe Otzi may have been a hunter or warrior killed in a skirmish with a rival tribe. Previous research showed he had killed at least four other people in his final battle. An analysis of traces of blood found on his clothes and weapons, carried out by Australian biologists, revealed four different types of DNA, none of them Otzi's.
Well it certainly is better than a fight with a tax collector.
the benefits of a simple and healthy lifestyle. We can't blame this one on globalization and left-right issues or Israel. Even if some would, in no time.
(I wonder).
Taxmen with rubber gloves on wanting to give an "extra deep" audit beakerkin? Yes probably right!
Well I daresay some twats will say he was done in by one of the lost tribes.. I'm surprised La voz de Aztlan haven't said so already, Red!
Not so simple, Jams, I hate that you never take me seriously.
1. Comrade Otzi was oppressed, and was killed with an icepick...(we don't know who and why, but the corpse is a testimony to it, i.e, Otzi's premature death was caused by 1. feudalism, 2. capitalism
2. Otzi (a male, myn?) was the oppressor > his death is just the well deserved consequence of the ice freedom fight or ice revolution.
Who sneaked into my bedroom and took my picture during that last awful hangover?
It fascinates me that archaeologists are able to make such determinations using a CT scan. (Maybe I'm just easily amazed by other people's technologies and special knowledge.)
And I take redwine as seriously as I take any other lefty whose avatar wields a knife!
I always take you seriously Red but I am not sure that it would be imperialists that did for Otzi. If it as not one of the twelve tribs it must, therefore, have been that Otzi was a proto-trotskyite, banished by the supreme soviet of the People's Democratic Republic of Ug; a land that basks in the eternal glory of it's benevolent and glorious leager Granitin (no steel in those days).
I think that Granitin had Otzi purged....
It's pretty amazing isn't it? Modern technology and forensic techniques applied to an ancient corpse. I am a sucker for such reports, they fascinate me.
As for Redwine, her avatar is the awesone Ana Planeta, a character from teh film "Sweet Movie". Ana is a character that deserves our respect...
Steve, I feel like a wounded bird.
Jams, Otzi was pushed (just like Humpty Dumpty) by the class enemy.
Redwine, I intended no disrespect. People who intend disrespect to a knife-wielding woman may not get a chance to do anything subsequently. :) And I do not wound birds; I'm a sprout-eater. (Well, OK, actually, lacto-ovo-vegetarian.) Please accept my apologies.
jams - "Granitin" is splendid... that left me ROTFL!
As an aside, is it just me or does Oetzi look like he's looking at his watch in this picture?
I admit it Red, you;re right.. He was a tireless Neolithic revolutionary stakhanovite, done in by the reactionary Mesolithic clique..
Well No steel in those days Steve - it was the Stome age after all!
Now you mention it Alison, LOL!
Did you know some people are more tech savvy than they look?
I’m 5300 and I’ve got my own MySpace page www.myspace.com/icemanthestoryofotzi
On MySpace I’m writing the world’s first prehistoric blog WHO ICED OTZI? Over 101 days, I hope to solve the mystery of my death.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ciao, for now!
"The Iceman"
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