07 March 2009

Photo Hunt - Space

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is Space. Since I live in a house that is cramped thanks to our being pack-rats and I don't have any decent shots of teh night sky, here's the Chase in Dagenham. It is a very pleasant, natural space near where I live.

For information: a Chase is an old English word for a private, unenclosed game preserve. At some stage it must have been a hunting gfround for the owners of the nearby Bretons Manor.


Carver said...

That's so beautiful. Must be great having that space near by. Happy weekend.

annalarssonphotography said...

That's a beautiful take of this weeks theme Jams! It really looks calm and pleasant :)

Mine is up too!
Happy weekend :)


Photo Cache said...

there is a lot of breathing space here. great take on teh theme.

Liz Hinds said...

That looks like a good space to escape to.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

It looks lovely.

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely, and I can relate as we are pack-rats too :) Have a great weekend!

Leslie said...

Now that's a good one Jams! Hope your weekend is going well.

Hey - when I took up the digital scrapbooking a year ago, I also took up decluttering as a hobby. I read unclutterer.com every day. Often, the posts are just hooey, but sometimes I see something clever that I can relate to or use.

I have decluttered about one tenth of my house. Four tenths to go!

Anonymous said...

That is a pleasant scene, the sort I thought of for a while. I even considered the Space in our attic...

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the pack rat problem. :) That is a very nice photo of a beautiful natural space - makes me want to know where that path leads...

Have a good weekend!

Bengbeng said...

a nice pleasant space. i like this one ->WW- Detail from a Versailles Urn

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Yup, definitely a very pleasant and serene place.

RW said...

Green is good!

SASSY MOM said...

A very nice space --- Green is good for the eyes. Happy weekend!

Frank Partisan said...

When you solve the problem of cramped quarters, tell me.

It means having to part with something.

Very good photo.

Anonymous said...

I wold love to have space like that near where I live so that I can go walking everyday :D

Happy weekend, Jams :)

Anonymous said...

Green and spacious :) Makes a good plot of land for kids!!

Sarge Charlie said...

I love the photo jams, I did not do a photo hunt again this week because I have been doing a series "My Life" which I just finished. I wanted to tell you I used two of your photos in my final page.

YTSL said...

Very nice -- and not the usual image of Dagenham, I'd wager! :)

Anonymous said...

I love green natural spaces. Nice shot.
Happy weekend and thanks for visiting mine:)

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely space and looks like it would be nice to spend the day there with a camera. Why is it called a chase?

stan said...

That reminds me of Robert Frost's The Road Less Travelled. I love nature treks.

ancient one said...

That is quite a lovely space...green really looks good to us winter bound folks right now...Great take on the theme!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Nice open space to free the mind

Unknown said...

wow - that's such a beautiful photo, but more so quite the definition of space.. hehe

Corey~living and loving said...

I love wide open spaces. :) great choice for the theme.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful... You can almost hear the crickets!

Colin Campbell said...

I love open spaces. We have moved from the city to a more open rural area. Fantastic.

Lene said...

Guess I would have walked here every day if it was nearby my home! Wonderful space to feel free :)

Have a great day :)

Carin said...

With a packed house that natural space must be a delight to roam around! It looks lovely! Nice and green and space enough. :)

RJ Flamingo said...

A wide open space is a great choice!

I can never shoot the moon properly... so I left it to the experts:


Anonymous said...

nice entry. the picture is so peaceful.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Methinks it's really quiet there especially at night time.

EG CameraGirl said...

Gotta love the open spaces!

My Photo Hunter post is at
More of Me - EG

Anonymous said...

Very nice post of an open space. I wonder where it will head? Have a nice weekend..

Anonymous said...

Pack-rat house apart, you do live in beautiful surroundings!! :)

I'm not participating in the photohunt this weekend - I forgot!! :-(

Anonymous said...

Pretty picture and interesting info!

Unknown said...

Very nice. Thanks for sharing the information about chase. I enjoy learning new things while looking at the photos in each week's Photo Hunt.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo for the theme, Jam!

Happy week-end!

Anonymous said...


You left a comment on my "inner space" images that you wanted to see more. If you click on the image it will take you to the rest of the photos in the series.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

That is a great space for clearing your mind!

Anonymous said...

Oh my..this is beautiful and how lucky to have it so close...

Anonymous said...

So that's what a chase looks like. I'll keep it in mind while writing my next historical romance.

Anonymous said...


vast of greenery!
green is good for eyes :D

Dragonstar said...

That's an unexpectedly open and wild space for Dagenham - not what I'd expect to see at all. I'm glad you have it there.

sally in norfolk said...

wow i need to be walking down that path right now :-)

CherryPie said...

A very beautiful open space :-)

Jackie said...

Wonderful Jams...thanks for the information also explaining. I always love learning new terms and their meanings. Not to mention the connection here with history.

Great photo and a great pick for the theme!!:D

bonggamom said...

Love that path, thanks for the new word to add to my vocabulary!

Brita said...

This is beautiful! Can almost smell the grass. Thanks for the explanation too, a new word yet again to my vocabulary too.
And thanks for the visit =)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo and beautiful space. Great take on the theme.

TorAa said...

Interesting how people in different countries and cultures hav found the same soltions to create safe walks over the wetlands.
This could have been in Norway, but then you would have ssen some snowcaped mountains in the background

Excellent entry.

I do think my entry this week shows even more space;))

Shoshana said...

I'm learning not to be a packrat...but it's so hard! I need another house for the things I want to keep and another to live in!

Great view

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

I'D like to have much space like that! :D I only have 75 sq mtrs at most! lol. Enjoy!

Amazing Gracie said...

Sorry about the orchard. We're losing so much farm land here due to housing that no one is buying! Our lawmakers are such baffoons
Packrats, hmmm? We just rented a small storage shed so we could get some of our "over-flow" out of my hair. Our stuff has overrun us - especially since we moved to a 2 bedroom from a 4 bdrm. AGH! I had a massive garage sale but some stuff is SO hard to part with. Plus, my hubman has guitars, amps, etc., and I've got tons of art supples. The birds occupy the 2nd bedroom. So I understand packrat all too well!

PowersTwinB said...

What a beautiful space...all that green! Love it! My hunt is up, please come and visit even though I am out of town right now!

Anonymous said...

wow! thats beautiful! great shot!

Gabriel said...

Beautiful. It sure looks spacious!

Bengbeng said...

nowadays any space without buildings is a scarcity in town living

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a lovely place. It looks very peaceful there.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, looks very peaceful.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone