27 January 2009

WW - Llama

This week's entry for the Tuesday and Wednesday editions of Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

nice shot of your Llama... thanks drop at my WW post.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo

Anonymous said...

Nice photo

Anonymous said...

Nice photo

James Higham said...

Hey, it is too!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

I think he likes you. Definitely giving you the eye!

Errant said...

I wish i kud see it in real one day

eastcoastlife said...

In UK? I want to see one!

Jenn in Holland said...

Hallo Llama!
Wonderful shot Jams. Can't see a llama without thinking of the film NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. Don't know if you've seen it, or understood it if you did, it's so very cultural specific. But, yes, Llamas (even beautifully photographed ones) make me think of that film.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pic!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone! GHlad you like the pic

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

Mama Duck said...

LLLLLLAMA FACE!! ;) Sorry, it is cute. I'm going to show my little guy in a minute ;).

jams o donnell said...

Digital I think I'm in there!

CherryPie said...

Well... Hello there ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great shot and a very distinguished looking llama.

Anonymous said...

Strange but fascinating creatures. Wonder if they would make good pets.

Madame DeFarge said...

If you placed bells on him and another one, it would be a llama llama ding dong.

jams o donnell said...

Haha Cherie, I seem to be a Llama magnet!

Very distinguished. He lives on top of a decommissioned nuclear bunker

I wonder. They are domesticated but I'm not sure if they make good pets though.

Haha Madame.

Mommy Jes said...

weeeeee what a cute lil horsie....... =) nic shot! =) thanks for visiting mys ite -)

Gabriel said...

Great pic, Jams! Happy WW!

Four-eyed-missy said...

That's cute!
Is it the Obama-llama? Just kidding. Have a great Wednesday :)

Dora said...

Have not seen one before. It's making a cool pose. :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

This picture made me sing along to the song llama!! :P

Frank Partisan said...

I liked your previous post, and left a comment.

I haven't seen a comment from Redwine in years. I was surprised to see her comment.

I didn't know llamas were found in your parts.

Good picture.

Indrani said...

Never seen a Llama so close.

Lori said...

llllllllllllllama!Great shot. Happy WW:)

catsynth said...

Now that's a llama!

(I don't know what that means)

Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Looks like that llama has quite a thick coat. Wouldn't expect to find a llama in your part of the world.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone

Robin said...

What wonderful dark eyes and long lashes he's got.

I was quite surprised to see this pop up - I just finished reading an Isabel Allende novel (Ines of My Soul) about the Spanish conquest of Chile this morning. In it she often mentioned llamas. When I saw yours I thought I'd imagined it LOL.

Pretty Life Online said...

Great catch for wordless... Never seen to close like that thanks for sharing...Mine's up too hope you can drop by...

Ingrid said...

I love lamas ! they are so cute ! One here in blogworld had a lama breed farm and I became the godmother of one Lama called Pepper, lol !
Now she doesn't have it anymore and lives in New York !

SandyCarlson said...

He looks about to tell me something big!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Now there's a handsome fella...you could knit a jumper from his coat.
Hope your having a great day!
Eaton. :)

DNLee said...

hey. what a nice surprise. don't often get animal shots from you.
happy ww.

Marsha said...

He has a proud and thoughtful look about him. I've never seen a llama this close up before.

Barb said...

Why yes it is. :)

The Lone Beader® said...

I love llamas!

Maureen Hayes said...

Is this the dali llama? Sorry for the bad joke, it had to be made!

Great shot!

Happy WW!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks eveeryone!

Anonymous said...

Cute Llama! Happy WW.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful llama and shot.

Steve Bates said...

Great pic, jams!

A few decades ago, I went with my girlfriend to the zoo. The children's zoo (a petting zoo) had a llama that had, regrettably, learned to go behind an adult woman and pull on her bra strap through her blouse. We called it the Lecherous Llama.

jams o donnell said...

Well the two L llame is a beast!

TorAa said...

I do have a fascination for Llamas, Alpachas, Vicunas and Guanacos.
In fact, I've seen all of these species wild in the high Andes.