Previously I have recommended giant microbes, a solid silver circe (for the Opus Nazi person in your life) and St Sebastian pin cushions as perfect Christmas stocking filers. Now Time has come up with another ideal gift
German toymaker Paraplush has designed a new line of toys with an assortment of psychiatric disorders. The company advertises stuffed animals who suffer from a range of mental illnesses (bipolar disorder, depression, multiple personality disorder) and even come packaged with a personalized medical history and treatment plan.
"'Patients' include Dub the turtle with severe depression, Sly the snake who suffers from terrifying hallucinations, Dolly the sheep with a multiple personality disorder and a crocodile with an irrational fear of water," Each mentally ill Paraplush toy, retails for around 30 Euros
Well there you have it. I hope that the toys come with suitable plus medication too and access to a psychiatrist doll….
What will they think of next!
Something far stranger. I'll be bound Cherie!
CherryPie, you stole my line.... :):) After reading, I thought of the same thing, except mine was not as polite as yours....
Fantastic Jams! You've just solved my xmas present dilemma. Last year the BF got me a soft toy in the form of a bacteriophage (amongst other things I hasten to add!) - very appropriate for a microbiologist. This year he will be finding one of these in his stocking - equally appropriate for someone trained as a counsellor don't you think? ;-)
They will need to come up with a line of cat toys that actual cats ignore.
Haha Nevin!
I have a couple of giant microbes too. I keep an ebola on my desk. Sadly some people think it's a turd!
Ah Beak we have loads of them. Bebe's favourite toy is the not-wife's hair!
My response exactly Knatolee!
Oh good grief!
It's a daft idea!
Are you entitled to a psychiatrist in the German health system when you buy or receive one of those?
No but the company does hire plush anlayst dolls at a hefty hourly rate. Couches extra
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