All the way in the dark, A somber breeze was flowing in the air, and lonely crickets were yearning: “Hey moon, generous moon…” All the way in the dark, A row of the trees with their full of desire sighs, like devotees of mysterious gods were constantly pleading: “Hey moon, generous moon…” All the way in the dark, Fireflies were blazing in a moving ring And there, thousands of mourning souls in the veiled live side of the soil were whispering: “Hey moon, generous moon…” And there, all the way in the dark a captive fairy in seize of the shades in a silent, green bog was listening to young frogs they were all singing: “Hey moon, generous moon…” All the way in the dark, The moon was burning in flames The moon was the loneliest soul of the silent night. The moon was bursting in his golden grief in an eternal dark.
By: Forough Farokhzad Translation: Maryam Dilmaghani | |
From Maryam Dilmaghani's wonderful site
Forough Farrokhzad The Sad Little FairyIt being International Observe the Moon Night tonight.. more to follow
Magnificent! Never thought of the moon's loneliness in the dark of the night.
It is another beautiful poem from a truly great poet
Ah, beautiful. Or should I rather write mooniful?
It certainly is both Sean!
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