I am content to put the power of drivel to (perhaps) good use in the production of a blog which has been read by literally dozens, and enjoyed by almost as many (I hope). It is my pleasure to use the power of drivel to entertain and sometimes uplift and/or educate.
I have no problem with fellow O'Donnells who use the innate power of drivel to make money even if their own brand of drivel is most definitely not to my taste. Examples here include Rosie O'Donnell, who I consider as funny as a Police Academy film, and Daniel O' Donnell and his anodyne warblings. If they can make money from their meagre talents then so be it.

What frightens me is the O'Donnell that uses their drivel in the pursuit of power. I know that this drivel is a not uncommon trait among persons seeking power but for this O'Donnell the level of drivel goes far beyond the pale:
"They are -- they are doing that here in the United States. American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains. So they're already into this experiment."
I know that the quote dates back to 2007 but it should preclude Christine O'Donnell from even running for a bus, let alone the senate!
My thanks to Bryan for drawing this to my attention
Considering the US is such a powerful state/empire what really frightens me is the general level of ignorance and apathy. I wonder if the same was true of Rome toward the end?
I wonder!
Her picture and words make me consider that scientists may, however, have put a fully functioning mouse brain inside a human.
I fear you may be right!
And I am thinking that is an insult to the mouse...
However, to give the woman the benefit of the doubt and be fair (much as I hate to) add just one word - "cells" - and her mad statement becomes true. Functioning human brain CELLS have indeed been incorporated in mouse brains. I must presume that is what she was referring to, and that she has only a loose grasp of the difference between a brain cell and a brain.
...and only a very loose grasp of "cross-breeding" too :) I just re-read her statement after making my previous comment. I am bent over backwards trying to be fair, and fear I have bent so far I have done myself an injury!
And furthermore, what's all that stuff Jams and Sean talk about cross-breeding or transmogrification of humans and bicycles under the influence of Omnium? Flann O'Brien... Hmm... Still, the distinction between a political manifesto and a comic/fantasy novel needs to be maintained, something the dear lady should perhaps be told.
I was going to tell you that Daniel O'Connell is in New Zealand, and then I read your post.
Last week, my school perform Bugsy Malone, and they had a young boy acting as the policemen. His Irish accent made everyone laugh.
No point in arguing rationally with people like this. Some California Cult has associated her rise with the coming Apocalypse. Religious wackos are best ignored.
Cherie I could not argue with that!
Ann it ounds like it was a lot of fun!
Colin I know what you mean. Still, as an O'Donell I feel it my duty to warn about our innate power to drivel.. and its limits!
Andrew what to say? It really does sound like the sort of thing a bloke down the pub says!
That is fine for that situation but dangerous in politics!
Ah I would strongly recommend the Third Policeman Andrew. The barrier between one of the greatest novels and reality experienced by far too many is rather thin!
Err that is me Andrew, rather than anonymous. Clicked the anon button by accident!
Jams, I wouldn't dream of holding you responsible for all O'Donnels in the world.
Well, maybe just a little bit, so you don't dream of taking over Brazil and El Salvador...
which has been read by literally dozens
Or a few thousand if you count RSS reads. A major blog, yours, Jams.
As your blog has been read by me, and approved, it's not drivel, Jams O'Donnel. And I'm not plum-arsing you. Best to ignore the mousey-brain-O'Donnel now that we've been warned.
Ah Snoopy I'm not greedy, Barbados would do me just fine!
I jest James but thanks very much. Actually I should reach my millionth visitor some time around April or May
Ah thanks Claude, No plum arse at all.
Bryan and I both think Christine O'Donnell got the idea by watching a popular American cartoon series a few years back called "Pinky and The Brain". Examples are readily available on YouTube... well worth your time, if you first adjust your sense of humor to American tastes.
I think your long lost relative Christine may have learnt her science from the same source(possibly a tabloid newspaper?) as Edwina Currie, who once said "the reason Pit Bull terriers are so vicious is because they have no DNA".
Glad she cleared that one up for us!
Pinky and the Brain is a cartoon I've heard of but never seen. I'll definitely look it up on youtube
Ykes Ruth I don't remember Edwina saying that, How utterly daft!
I believe that she is the result of such an experiment, except that they accidentally came up with a human which a brain the size of a mouse's. I do not intend to insult mice... They are smarter than she is.
In regards to her confusing "brain cells" for "brains"... I would suggest that if you only HAVE a few brain cells jostling about in your skull, it is an easy mistake to make.
People make mistakes but this statement is stupid beyond belief!
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