10 May 2007



Alison said...

It looks so pretty in a field, and we have one just down the road from us, but god, does it smell disgusting :-D

jams o donnell said...

Very pretty in the field indeed. Lucky my sense of smell is shite!

Aaron Murin-Heath said...

Rape being the operative world. It literally kills the soil.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Everytime I see this plant, the song, "Rape Me," by Nirvana plays through my mind, except as 'Rapeseed,' of course.

jams o donnell said...

I wasn't aware of that Aaron. There is a hell of a lot of it so I presume it is fertiliser intensive.

I was thinking that too Ewbl. but then I thought it had been renamed Wif Me in certains US stores at teh time of release of in utero!