27 May 2007

White valerian


Frank Partisan said...

Very nice photo. Not everyone can photograph a flower well.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

What a gorgeous flower! I wonder if this is where Valerian Root supplements come from? I don't remember why, but my midwife really pimped Valerian Root and I took a bunch of it while pregnant. Well, the capsules were far preferable to some of the other 'natural' remedies home-birthing requires. Don't ask me about urinary tract infections and having protein in the urine stream. You don't want to know.

Jams, does it have a particular scent?

jams o donnell said...

Thanks, Ren.. I think it was worth the £340 for this new lens.

Okay Mimi, I'll give it a thought.

This is where the root comes from EWBL. I know it is a moderately effective sedative and it has a narcotic effect on cats, like catnip.. I must try Ted on it!

Ah I am glad I will never be pregnant.. I'm a bit too old and too male for it!