Perhaps we are fortunate “mild surprise” jocks here in the UK rather than the shock jocks that seem to be common on the American airwaves. While nobody is above criticism, Rush Limbaugh ‘s recent attack on Michael J Fox seems to have come back and bitten him on the arse.
Fox who suffers from Parkinson’s disease made a series of TV advertisements for Democratic candidates who support stem cell research. In the ads he talked to the camera during a violent shaking attack. Fox’s body weaved and writhed while his head jumped out of the frame in violent spasms.
Rush Limbaugh accused Mr Fox of acting to exaggerate the effects of his Parkinson's disease. He told his audience: "He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. This is really shameless of Michael J Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting." He added: "This is the only time I've ever seen Michael J Fox portray any of the symptoms of the disease he has. He can barely control himself
Neurosurgeon Prof John Boockvar, said: "Mr Limbaugh's allegations are ludicrous. Those with Parkinson's have "on" and "off" spells.” Dr Elaine Richman, a neuroscientist and author: "Mr Limbaugh's attack is insulting. It's appallingly sad, at best. "Anyone who knows the disease well would regard Mr Fox's movements as classic severe Parkinson's disease. Any other interpretation is misinformed."
As anger grew, Mr Limbaugh half-apologised, saying "Now people are telling me they have seen Michael J Fox in interviews and he does appear the same way in the interviews as he does in this commercial. I will bigly, hugely admit that I was wrong, and I will apologise to Michael J Fox, if I am wrong in characterising his behaviour on this commercial as an act." But then he added: "The truth - the whole truth - must be told. Michael J Fox is allowing his illness to be exploited. That Mr Fox is a victim is not a license for him to mislead or manipulate the public."
What a lovely guy. Just the sort of person many would like to grasp warmly by the throat. Limbaugh and his sort are one slice of american culture that can stay firmly on the other side of the Atlantic
the expression See You Next Tuuesday springs to mind!
I bet Limbaugh believes that Ray Charles wasn't actually blind too.
Indeed Roger, as for Stevie Wonde, I suppose he thinks he is a malingerer!
Ah this is a family blog so I would never say that word... the not wife on the other hand would make a sailor blush!!
A man who vacations in a country known for "sexual tourism" who heads to that country with a pocketful of Viagra not prescribed in his own name doesn't have a lot of room to talk about other people's behaviors, voluntary or (in Fox's case) involuntary. What an (expletive deleted) Limbaugh is.
Because of his acting prior to the onset of his condition, Fox is a very popular figure here, and evokes much public sympathy. There are those who say that, by maligning Fox, Limbaugh may actually have influenced the Senate race in favor of Ms. McCaskill, the Democratic challenger, for whom Fox made the ad. I do hope so.
I used to listen to Rush periodically, but his blustery, braggart radio personality schtick bothered the crap out of me. After his many divorces, his denigration of people who choose to have children, his drug arrests (plural), and just in general his asshole nature completed drove me away from his program. Ditto (what a turn of phrase!) for my very Republican family. That makes us Dittoheads! I don't know anyone who listens to him anymore, and I'm not sure how his ratings are still so good. One thing that drives me batty is all the radio hosts who feel obligated not to discredit Rush in any way because he paved the path for all of them by being a political radio show pioneer. They need to butch up.
Now, as for Michael J. Fox, he readily admits to not using his medication in the past in order to garner a dramatic outcome and make his point. Embryonic stem cell research shows the least amount of promise for curing any neurologic disease. While adult stem cells are much more preferable, and genome therapy is making leaps and bounds. Why is Fox championing a less than effective method? I don't like embryos being sacrificed for this purpose and having the government pay for it, but I would feel less inclined to argue if it was privately funded, which I think it should be. Government should not get involved with this.
If anyone tried that sort of shit on British radio he or she would be sacked immediately. As for Rush perhaps he should have an hilbilly heroin enema and fuck off!
This posr I did a month ago shows a techinique that could well bring some real progress when it comes to Stem Cell reseach. At present embryoiic cells seem to be the ones that are easier to use but I am sure in the not too distant future adult stem cells will be kust as effective for treatments.
I love supposed conservative Christians who have engaged in several marriages, fornications, drugs, porn etc. while telling others about the road to Heavenly rewards, and that it's paved with righteousness.
Hypocrite much?
Agreed, it is sheer hypocrisy and people like Limbaigh and not a few televangelists seem to be of that sort. The same goes fro radical and hardline ultraleftists who are filthy rich and live such a life. Ach people are human, the get divorced, get drunk, play away from home etc people have aleways strayed from righteousness and the always will... when a person does such things while screaming offence at others for doing the like then they deserve to be cut down to size with extreme prejudice!
Rush has forgotten the admonition to "Be Thou Humble", for sure. The worst is his mocking of higher education because he himself only holds a high school diploma. I'm thinking major insecurity hidden behind an elitist front.
Gah! the more I find out about him I wonder why the hell he was let on the radio in the first place... He is that union of dick and head by looks of it.
Talk Radio is a different animal and it is your loss that they do not have it in the UK.
Talk radio it the only medium with growing ratings. This is largely because the alhabet channels all have the same far left viewpoints. Fox News
took advantage of the absence of alternative points of view on the news.
Talk radio is entertainment ratings driven non PC fun. There was CBS and faked memos before an election. There is Reuters an AP staged photos in Lebanon.
Limbaugh's comments may have been in poor taste but celebrities deserve it when they enter politics. There was no similar outrage when Clinton clearly blamed Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City Bombings.
We do have talk radio but our jocks are nowhere near as aggressive as the likes Limbaugh or Stern seem to be.
While I believe nobody is above criticism, Michael J Fox inclided, Limbaugh displayed some breathtaking ignorance of the condition while his apology appeared to be no apology at all.
My suspicion is that the cowardly British shock jock featured in "V For Vendetta" was based entirely on Rush. I could be wrong........but I rarely am!
I wouldnt be surprised ewbl. we have some pretty obnoxious presenters here but nothing like Rush. V for vendetta had a couple of americanisms like pull the lever and not the Leever as we would say it...
Great film though. the graphic novel is good but dated (it takes place in the past now - originally set in 1997). THe film took the story and updated it nicely
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