03 January 2011

Where 2011 picks up from 2010

One thing that seems to be a constant is that I still feel crap for a day after I take my methotrexate. At least I'm not covered in psoriasis plaque (well far less of it at least), also there's no bleeding and a lot less discomfort so it's probably worth it....


Claude said...

It's good that you're getting some relief. I hope it will keep improving as time goes by. All the best.

nursemyra said...

Yes, it probably is worth it. Can you not just take some Valium and sleep for most of that first horrible day?

jams o donnell said...

Actually things are not so bad as they were when I first took the stuff but I still feel pretty rough. Hopefully the effects will continue to wane

Now there's a good idea Nursie!

Knatolee said...

Side effects suck. I'm with Claude: here's to improvement!

James Higham said...

Vodka - the only solution, Jams.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks Knatolee I do feel rather better today.. still a bit tired though

Ah James I'm sworn off booze at present as the drug hammers the liver... Bah!

Stan said...

Here's hoping it picks up and keeps picking up, Jams. Your present path sounds the better of the two options.

jams o donnell said...

Not fun but still better than the alternative!