The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is Free. The lesser Celandine, Ranunculus ficaria, is a wild flower that grows in abundance in the garden. Some people would consider it a weed, we consider it an attractive pnat we get for free courtesy of mother nature...
I'm posting my entry early this week as I am out on today and I won't be back until fairly late on Saturday.
what's that quote about a weed being a flower that's growing in the wrong place?
How true Maddy. I live seeing celandies and dandelions in the garden. I draw the line at Alkanet which is attractive in a borage like way but oh so invasive!
That flower looks nice but if it can be invasive, that's another story :)
Have a nice weekend!
My entries are up:
Are We Free?
Fly A Kite
Wonders of mother nature in giving us this free pretty flower :)
Shape the Party of European Socialists Manifesto in London!
Every major issue (and solution) has global reach and every global issue has local impact. Only by making it more relevant to people's everyday lives can we develop a more social and democratic Europe. That's why PES Activists and Compass Youth want to make connections that will keep the PES in touch with the most dynamic and innovative thinking of local activists. You are the eyes and ears of your communities so come and join the debate with our amazing line-up of speakers and feed in your ideas and opinions. We will also launch our EU Citizens for London campaign as part of this series of debates.
Check out the full series of events http://www.lme-lse.org.uk/blog/?p=51
Look what pretty things we get for free!!
Happy weekend and happy PH :)
It's lovely! Have a lovely weekend.
Nice composition. The flower is beautiful. Happy hunting.
A lovely photo. The best flowers are the free ones!
I love the free gifts of nature and that's a lovely flower. I call free gifts like that, volunteers. I love flowers that volunteer in my garden. Have a great weekend.
Gorgeous colour!!! Always enjoy your photos Jams. :) Have a great weekend :)
Pretty flower. Too pretty to be called a weed.
I like weeds, too and wildflowers... and flowers. Beautiful.
I think many weeds are lovely.
have a great weekend.
I wish I could enjoy weeds like this one! Beautiful!
Watching 'Ashes to Ashes' the other night - played Flying Lizards as background.
Know what I mean ?
I never cease to tire of you wonderful photos Jams. This is truly free....beautiful wildflowers.
If you haven't visited my 'free photo' drop by ---but wait, visiting hours aren't free by any means. It costs you to surf the 'net! rofl Drop by if you can. I'd love to have you share your comments.
Indeed, nature IS free. Very nice!
Write From Karen
If this is a weed, then it's the prettiest weed so far.
very nice
Beautiful! I ♥ wild flowers =)
Happy Saturday, Jams!
I like those kinds of "weeds", too :)
I remember just after I moved to Gozo, I once picked a bunch of pretty, colourful flowers and put them in a vase on our dining table. My brother-in-law started laughing and remarked, "we feed that stuff to the cows"... I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder LOL!
Happy weekend!
A beautiful and free gift of nature!
Mine will flower first in April! I like agressive plants in my woodland.
Happy weekend!
i love beautiful wild flowers. this is one of them. great shot! :)
Wildflowers are my favorite, as you can see if you scroll through my blog. At any time there will be at least one wildflower gracing the recent posts. I need to look for my seed catalog, because, althogh the good Lord provides us with gorgeous wildflowers for free, there are some places I think that He needs some help getting some started. (like my back yard) and getting some enhanced (like my front strip.) Some people probably think our front lawn is strange with the wild things that grow there during the summer and are only mowed before the snows.
That is so pretty flower indeed! Good shot, happy weekend!
My Dad says a weed is anything you don't want growing there!
A beautiful weed, jams! Happy PH! :)
Simply beautiful!
Happy Weekend.
We love Yellow!
~ Miss Emily
Mother Nature does bring us lots of free beauty! Pop over and see my thoughts on FREE. :D
I really enjoy wild flowers, and used to cultivate a number of different indigenous plants in my garden. These, however, look a bit like they're members of the dandelion family. For some reason, I just can't see dandelions as flowers, only as weeds. My daughter used to disagree with me when she was quite young. She made a point of planting them in my garden.
Lovely free growing flower Jam! Thanks for visiting my hunt, I always appreciate your visits
Another of your beautiful flower photos and free to boot. Yellow flowers are so cheerful especially in Spring.
I once grew California poppies and did they ever turn into a weed, seeding themselves gaily everywhere. It took years to get rid of them.
Thanks everyone!
Mom says weeds is just any plant you don't want in yur yard. If you want it an enjoy it, it's a wildflower, not a weed.
An those dandelions in the lawn? They's for SALAD! ;-)
She says all the weeds in our lawn are "Snot Grass"... whatefur it is, "it's not grass".
I fink we still haf grass unner alla snow, but we hafn't seen it in so long, I's not sure no more.
I love the brightness of the Lesser Celandine. I don't have any in this new garden, and I miss it. Lovely photo.
Agree that wild flowers shouldn't be unappreciated and underestimated.
ohh thats so lovely, love the bright color of this flower. happy hunting.
My So Calle Life
La Vida es Hermosa
Wilare flowers are delightful. They pop up where ever they whant!
Lovely photo!
Totally invasive but lovely all the same. I recall listening to a gardening programme years ago and hearing someone ask how to get rid of celandine. He was told it was well nigh impossible and it would be far better to "learn to love your celandine". I've taken that advice to heart :)
Free wildflowers are lovely!
Hi to Mimi!
That flower is such a happy color!
Sad but true all the for free plants survive the best for me as I tend to kill the paid for ones off! :) Have a wonderful Sunday seeing as I'm commenting so late....
wow! you have a very nice picture and I love the way you put consistency of the picture, indeed that is a great post for this week theme! keep it up!!!
check mine:
Have a great Weekend!!!
have not tried weeds ever err...growing that is.kind of allergic to them.
the flower is so shiny and made me think that it's plastic. if it grows free then it's wonderful to have weeds around.
Such a vibrant, yellow colour! You take such wonderful photos of plants. :) Great choice for the Hunt!
I see it as a weed and I would pull it out when I see one. It can be pretty invasive if I let it be.
A pretty weed I must say....:) Nice shot
Pearl - happy hunting
THanks everyone!
Ooooh, I made cookies for my daughter's Girl Scout troop that looked exactly like this......except it was, you know, edible and stuff.
great take on the theme! Lovely shot of the flower!
I am a little late. Sorry I was at a horse show all weekend! Happy Week!
Ooh I bet they looked tasry EWBL.
Sounds like yiou had fun Sabine!
Sorry I'm late but wanted to say this is lovely.
wow! so lovely.. and it's yellow!
my favorite!
Wow, I can't believe something so pretty can be considered a weed. Great photo!
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