08 February 2008

Robyn (photo hunt heavy)

This week's entry for Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats. Also this week's entry for Photo Hunt. The theme is Heavy this week. I wanted to show Robyn on his back showing a vast expanse of fur but would he oblige? What do you think! Why is Robyn a suitable subject for the theme? He is 15lbs (about 6.5kg) and not fat. A gentle giant of a moggy


Anonymous said...

Not that tie, Robyn, patterns and stripes just don't mix well.

jmb said...

Multi-tasking here Jams! You must be the earliest Photo Hunter this week by far.

jams o donnell said...

Ach Bryan, I tell him and I tell him but will he listen?

Indeed jmb it is a three-in-one post this week!

Dragonstar said...

Lovely colour and lovely face. Robyn's a really nice-looking cat. I agree about the tie though - he needs a nice contrasting colour to set him off properly.

beakerkin said...

Are you going to use Robyn for hairy as well. I bet the static electricity
generated by Robyn could light a room
in your flat.

James Higham said...

Don't mess wid me - eems to be saying.

Anonymous said...

Whether it fits or not, I don't care, I'm always happy to look at cats.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

It doesn't look too pleased with ur choice of tie I guess :P

MaR said...

Lovely cat!! that soft fur is responsible for most of that weight :)
Happy hunting and happy weekend!

Liz said...

Robyn is really cute! At 15 lbs, that's heavy. Happy hunting.

Mommy's Little Corner

Anonymous said...

Cool cat! Nice entry for heavy.

Carver said...

Great shot of Robyn. Definitely looks like a gentle giant and beautiful to boot. Hope you have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

a gentle giant of a moggy is right - those pics are marvie. 2nd one doesn't look real *?*

hey - i've posted my first excerpt (from my book...) come by and throw some thoughts my way - when you can.

gr8 wk end 2 ya.

Susan Demeter said...

What a sweetie! happy photo hunting!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cat - I love the color.

Happy Weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Tom said...

A lovely and heavy cat. Robyn, where's Batman? Have a nice weekend.

Katney said...

And when did you ever know a cat that would oblige. You know what they say, "Dogs have owners, cats have staff." I have posted my PhotoHunt Heavy early, too.

Tokenhippygirl said...

Robyn... great looking cat! Happy hunting.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Big, bad Robyn!!

CRIZ LAI said...

I love your cat Robyn. I have seen a few 2-3 times heavier than him before.. haha. Great take Jams.

If you have the time, do check out my another interpretation here

Anonymous said...

hee hee....I'd feel for him, during summer..hee hee hee...

Mine's just up. If you have the time, I'd appreciate a visit! ;-) Tks.

Lynn said...

The tie matches Robyns color. And I love this cat's color! From my resolution it's like golden brown.

PowersTwinB said...

Holy Toledo thats one fat cat! lol...my hunt is up, please come and visit

Corey~living and loving said...

pretty heavy kitty cat there.
happy weekend!

Leslie: said...

Wow! that's one big cat!

Natalie said...

That cat is as big as my 6 month old! WOW!

SabineM said...

I want to rub his belly! What a gorgeous cat!

Michele said...

What a handsome cat!! Robyn is about the same size as my cat... pleasantly plump is what I like to say.
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

Rach said...

That's one heavy moggy! my heavy pic is up early as well :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the 2nd photo. It looks like Robyn is just waiting for someone to rub his tummy! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute cat there! Nice entry this week:)

Daisy said...

Robyn is a very handsome Mancat! I think he is heavy, because I only weigh a little over 6 pounds myself.

Anonymous said...

Thank you James for the nice words, me and the camera just practise=)
Great looking cat you have, mine weights the same;) But she`s fat! Ha ha

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Mia said...

Beautiful colours! Adorable cat.

Rajson said...

That´s a cat in my taste!
Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous! Have you ever met an obliging cat? I haven't! As good natured as you like, but on their own terms.

LibertyBelle said...

Cats don't really need to oblige because they look good no matter what they do! An absolutely gorgeous cat!
Great photo!
Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Aha... cute kitty you have there! :D

Unknown said...

Robyn is suitable for "heavy" - although he´s definitely not fat. My son (2 years old) is 13kg now =)

Happy Hunting, Jams!

Harajuku PearL said...

What a heavy load of fluffiness!!!hehe

Pearl - have a good weekend

Joyismygoal said...

yes two birds w/ one stone is smart he is soooo pretty

Hootin Anni said...

GORGEOUS!!!!!! heavy? Nah!! Wow, well, you know me by now....CATS RULE!!!

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Anonymous said...

Robyn is much heavier than us, but we think his is because he is extra fluffy!

Anonymous said...

so cute! and love the colors! :)

happy weekend!

Andree said...

HA She is gorgeous (he? hope I made the right choice). How much is fur and how much is heavy? Oh I love that fur; you captured it so well!

jennwa said...

What a pretty kitty.

Have a great weekend.

poor man's nicole richie said...

darn heavy, eh? he's so cute. is he playful?

Morning Sniffles

Juliana said...

Cute cat :D

Will u visit my Photo Hunter : Heavy Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Lovely fur on a lovely cat. She is fur-heavy, but not that heavy in terms f weight. I think.

Have a great weekend!

My PH:


Ingrid said...

He probably looks big because of his fur. Arthur too is nearly 7 kgs heavy ! But he looks fat now that's at least what I think. Others call him cute and fluffy.
Thanks for your comment on my "stop smoking" it always helps to hear that others went through this too. So far I don't need any but my bronchitis is still protecting me from my sin, lol !

Anonymous said...

That's a heavy kitty!

Mickey's Musings said...

Robyn ia very handsome, 'Heavy' but not fat!!! Very nice and floofy too ;)

Utah Mommy said...

Wow pretty cat you have and he sure is heavy for me. Happy weekend!
Baby Pushing Mommy

Unknown said...

Maybe I should have used a picture of Ricky- he's 26 pounds of heavy.
Robyn is a very pretty cat.

YTSL said...

Hmmm...not sure whether that's a heavy cat but he sure is pretty! :)

maryt/theteach said...

jams, 15 lbs is big for a kitty cat. He's pretty! Happy PH! :)

Anonymous said...

Is 15lbs heavy for a cat?

Anyway you've got a pretty kitty. Not sure about the tie though.

Anonymous said...

I've waited to make this comment because we wanted to weigh Rinli to compare - at 12lbs he is a lightweight. So Robyn is HEAVY !
I have wanted to read Master and Margareta ever since I saw the film, it has just not come my way.

Anonymous said...

I think that big cats are awesome! Neat choice for this weeks theme.... Thanks for stopping by! Happy weekend

Queen of My Domain said...

He does look heavy but would he still look that way if he didn't have all that fur. ;) Happy Weekend.

Randi said...

Great photo of Robyn.
He is so adorable, but he doesn´t look heavy to me. But he is definitely aware of the dress code. Hope you have a great weekend.

Jen said...

I love cats, they're my favorite! Great photos! Happy weekend :)

Mommy Lutchi said...

so cute.... thanks for sharing.

Mine is up at
. Hope you can visit me too. Happy Photo Hunting.

 gmirage said...

Another heavy but cute cat!

Heather said...

He is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hehe... great minds think alike, don't they?
Robyn is beautiful! :)

Happy weekend Jams!

Lana G! said...

Heavy and huggable! Too cute.

Anna said...

Wow what a beautiful cat, very cute and definitely didn't know that this cat weigh this much...

Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Robyn you are furry handsome! Your furs are colorful like my sisfur's, Anna Sue.

Mom chose me for heavy..we are handsome, heavy cats!

~ Napoleon

ellen b. said...

That furry critter has such beautiful coloring and looks well fed!

Jan Parrish said...

And he is so cute. What a wonderful coat he has!

Colin Campbell said...

I always struggle to say anything about cat posts. I don't really like them, but please don't hold that against me.

bonggamom said...

Awww, he's gorgeous. He doesn't look heavy at all.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The Woman considered putting up a photo of a cat who came before me. He was a 17 pounder but she didn't have any good snaps of him online only in hardcopy and she doesn't have a scanner on her system. Robyn is a very handsome cat (although a bit small by the 17 pounder standards!)

Anonymous said...

that is a very pretty (and heavy ) cat!!!

PastormacsAnn said...

Awww, what a good lookin' kitty. Great pick for our "heavy" theme.

Anonymous said...

Very handsome cat. Great photo and have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous - he looks like a Maine Coon. Happy weekend!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Robyn, you are a very handsome cat! At 15 lbs, you weigh as much as both of us put together, so we think you are a good choice for heavy. :)

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

would not be considered a big guy in our neighborhood. but he is a good looking cat!

eastcoastlife said...

He's handsome. I love his fur, must be great to touch.
*rubs Robyn thick coat of fur*

Anonymous said...
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