05 February 2008

WW - Snowdrop and Crocus

Early blooms. This week's entry for the Tuesday and Wednesday edition of Wordless Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Those are very beautiful flowers. BTW, our human has let us start our own blog. Happy WW!

jams o donnell said...

Hmm so your plans for world domination continue!

Anonymous said...

I am speechless

Cheerio said...

Fabulous flowers.

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful reminders that Valentine's Day is on its way. Great shots, Jams.

ellen b. said...

Beautiful reminders of Spring, yippee.

MammaMayMiller said...

Beautiful, Jams! Such a relief that spring is on its way at last...
Seems as if everyone's posting double today!!

Anonymous said...

Snowdrops are definitely my favourite. Always makes me think of my granny.

Liz said...

Stunning flowers! The first one looks like a lamp shade. Happy WW.


jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

L.L. Barkat said...

Really? Are they out already?

I was noticing today how warm it is here for February.

maryt/theteach said...

jams, beautiful flowers as always! Those crocuses presage Spring over here in the US. Haven't seen any yet!

Anonymous said...

how beautiful!! What lovely color!

Unknown said...

OMG - sincerely amazing. Yellow is one of my favorite colors. mine's up - it's funny.

etteY said...

another fab shot Jams! Happy WW!

bluemountainmama said...

lovely, jams. you take great macros....

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

For a second I mistook the first picture as a lamp shade :)
Ur pictures are always very nicely taken :)

p/s : Thanks for ur CNY wishes :)

tammi said...

Ohhh, I love that snowdrop! You take such beautiful flower pictures, Jams! (give me a couple of months and I'll start posting some too every now and again! We can grow them here, really, I swear it!)

Four-eyed-missy said...

Pretty flowers!! Reminds me of the yellow flowers that are selling like hotcakes here now... I think the Khmer-Chinese community considers them lucky for this year. Gong Xi Fa Cai!@

Utah Mommy said...

Perfect capture! They are too beautiful to resist! I love flowers so much! Happy WW!
Totally Worn Out
The Future Pianist

Anonymous said...

Hi Jams. Great shots. They make me think of my late grandmother, who had crocus planted in a flowerbed near her front door every year. I miss her -- and the crocus.

**"Liza"** said...

I really love the second shot so variant and beautiful..;) Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful photos! Happy WW!

Barb said...

Beautiful photos! It sure will be nice to see some of those poking through the ground soon.

HartofDixie said...

Beautifully captured. Love it!
Happy WW!

poor man's nicole richie said...

i wish one day i could visit the places where you shoot your photo entries. they are all lovely. i love the snowdrop. it reminds me of the stardust.

Gattina said...

When I look at your pictures, I so much wish that spring would come !

Anonymous said...

I love snowdrops, but Leo dug up the last lot I planted - typical. Happy WW.

BTW, you have a special award waiting for you at my place.

Joyismygoal said...

What alovely breath of spring on this cold winter day

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots - especially the snowdrop. It reminds me of my granny. She used to plant snowdrops in the garden =)

Detroit said...

Lovely - I wish we had early blooms...that or we were just starting Spring already!!

si kiky said...

flowers always beautiful

KC said...

those are lovely.
Happy WW

Heather said...


Queen of My Domain said...

Just beautiful. I am eagerly awaiting spring here and your pictures make me wish for it even more.

Le Butterfly said...

Great shots, great colours.
Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are breath-taking!!

TorAa said...

The true sign of Spring, these flowers. Great captures;))

Tina said...

Where do you always find such beautiful flowers?!? Oh, and please send them over to my place! It's still cold, grey and dark over here... :-(

Happy WW, Tina

Corey~living and loving said...

both photos are lovely. :) thanks for stopping by my blog.
happy WW!

Anonymous said...

I like the crocus, the the snowdrop is simply stunning. Very nice shot.

Shelia said...

Beautiful pictures. That kind of flower color is especially beautiful this time of year when most everything else is brown.

Happy WW!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I always love your shots. I love the crocus, amazing.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I miss the snowdrops that were in my gram's garden. We had to leave them behind when we moved 7 years ago. Your picture reminds me that I'd like to get some snowdrop bulbs for the fall. Lovely photos for WW!

Jos said...

Great, Jams! I could use a little bit of spring time now -- thanks :)

Susan Demeter said...

Gorgeous photos!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks all!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Absolutely beautiful, as always, jams.

dennis said...

Dennis loves snowdrops.

Daisy said...

Dennis, you crack me up! Those are some really beautiful shots. Is the white one the snowdrop? That one is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots!

Melanie said...

As always- an amazing photo. You are very talented.

Our Happy Happenings

Livin' With Me

Anonymous said...

Hi! Beautiful flowers as always!
Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jams!
Great shots!

shiera (bisdakbabbles) said...

the snowdrop is really captivating!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Ooooh, such pretties!

I don't have anything blooming right now except for my hardy dianthus.

jams o donnell said...

It's nice to see things out but they are a little early.

Andree said...

I am having so much trouble, here, where we are having two snow storms and ice storms a week, to grasp that you aren't. These are beautiful flowers and photographs. I remember that exciting feeling of the first flower photos of the year. But it ain't gonna happen here for three more months!