Just when you think we have seen enough bad simulacra for a year (and it has been a bumper crop this year). This time it’s Michael Jackson once again.
According to the Telegraph parents-to-be Dawn Kelley and William Hickman had the fright of their life when looking at the ultrasound scan of their unborn baby, realising that it looked like the late pop singer.
Mr Hickman said: “We were looking at the pictures again, and I just saw Jacko there. None of us are really Michael Jackson fans. I mean I like him, but we’re not crazy about him or anything.”
Ms Kelley said: “I’ve had plenty of scans before and none of the photos have ever looked like this one. It’s a bit spooky really.”
Hmm even after death it seems that Michael Jackson can’t help hanging around children even if the child in question is a foetus....
Just when you think you have seen enough Michael Jackson for a year (maybe a lifetime)... ;-)
Hey, isn't that amazing?
Gives me the shivers...
That is Pretty interesting!!!
THanks. I'm not surprise Jacko is seen this way now that he's dead!
I'm sure he looked a lot better as a foetus than he did after his plastic surgery.
That's true Steve!
Hmm... could be a chicken arse upside down too. Without feathers, of course.
That's a point but not a very appetising chicken!
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