Cardinal Angelo Sodano is the dean of the College of Cardinals showed once again the Vatican’s lack of understanding or concern about sex abuse scandals by describing it as "petty gossip"
During Easter Mass in St Peter's Square, Cardinal Sodano expressed solidarity with the Pope, "Holy Father, the people of God are with you and will not let themselves be influenced by the petty gossip of the moment, by the trials that sometimes assail the community of believers," the cardinal said. His remarks echoed comments made a week earlier by Pope Benedict.
Pope Benedict has not made any explicit comment on the issue since he penned a letter apologising for child-abuse in the Irish Church late last month. The pontiff has been accused personally of failing to take action against a suspected abuser during his tenure as archbishop of Munich - a claim the Vatican strongly denies.
Critics also say that when he was prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which deals with sex abuse cases, he did not act against a priest in the US state of Wisconsin who is thought to have abused some 200 deaf boys.
The Vatican's official newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, stepped up its defence of the Pope in its Sunday edition, publishing messages of support from around the world and denouncing the "slanderous attacks and the defamation campaign surrounding the drama of abuse by priests".
What to say? The choice of words belittles the scale of the scandal facing the church. The Vatican has in reality done nothing to address the situation but then it is an autocracy a remnant of the time of absolute monarchy. In the end it does not care about the victims. In its view it will still exist when the scandal is forgotten. It may make a few token gestures but its only concern is power and the maintenance of power. Nothing else matters.Sodano is a product of this mindset. As such he is a piece of shit
Make sure you write and tell him that, mind.
This article was spot on... you and your readers might be interested...
Congratulations on your bloggerversary!
I heard the A of C had to apologise for his remarks about Roman Catholicism in Ireland. I haven't heard anything else since.
He is Knatolee
I probably would James
THanks Nevin, I'll take a look
THanks Liz.. And he got flak for it although nothing worse than many others have said
Jams - What else can we expect from a bunch of old celibate men who have never been in contact with their own humanity. They're frantic presently as they see power slipping away from their grasp. We will hear more and more similar statements as the Vatican will attempt to instill guilt in the soul of any God believer who dares to criticise the infaillible Pope.
@Nevin - Thank you. Good article showing one aspect of the problem. Alas! a new theology will not redeem a church who has lost the meaning of Christ centuries ago. The God I know is angrily tearing down their Empire, stone by stone.
@James Higham - You'll be surprised how many people (specially mothers) are writing to the Vatican, and telling the scums what they're thinking. Does one more voice sharing the victims' pain and anguish count? At least I don't suffer the burden of silent indifference...
THe hierarchy is utterly out of touch with reality Claudia
...and yet, the sheep keep returning to the pews. I am so glad I'm only here for about 100 years maximum (no more than 45 to go, probably much less). Couldn't take much more human nonsense than that.
Andrew - 45 years to go? We'll try to put up with you...All the best.Take care!
Andrew - 45 years to go? We'll try to put up with you...All the best.Take care!
And Claudia, in 45 years time there will still be an old idiot in fancy dress holding the crowds enthralled at the Vatican, the priests will still be abusing the children, the sheep will still be flocking to the pews, of all the dopey denominations, the Christloonies, Judaloonies, Musloonies, Hindloodies, Sikhloonies, Scientologoonies..., vast hordes of humanity will still not be getting the message - "we are on our own, and we mean nothing, so let's deal with it, and try to get along" but I, at least, will be gone (oh, although I am forgetting my eternity in Hell getting red hot pokers stuck up my arse, by paeodophile priests, no doubt). I've had enough of people, sick of the lot of them, ... for tonight at least. Tomorrow is another day, I suppose, perhaps.
Andrew - Cheers! See you somewhere, sometimes....
There's no doubt the Abrahamic religions have caused more trouble on the face of the earth than any other single idea. Of course, capitalism may be gaining.
Ach still 50 odd years myself.....
Perhaps one day the children of Abraham will know peace Susan... somehow I doubt it
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