14 January 2010

A Sea Slug Haiku

following on from my previous post and inspired by Robin D Gill whose book Rise Ye Sea Slugs which contains 900 glorious haikus on the subject, I feel compelled to provide my own haiku in honour of the nudibranch:

Oh mighty Sea Slug
wily thief of chloroplasts
makes food from sunlight

Hmm I think I'll stick to photographs!

Actually Rise ye Sea Slugs actually contains haikus on the subject of sea cucumbers but what the hey!


Amanda Moore said...

Wow 900 haiku's about sea slugs? Should I say amazing or zzzzzzzzzz......

jams o donnell said...

Perhaps not for reading cover to cover but a glorious book to dip into! II can assure you as I have a copy!

Agnes said...

Beautiful haiku or whatever. A great poet lost. Fortunately he is lost....

jams o donnell said...

Ah I am not cut out to be a poet, except of the MacGonagall type!

Liz Hinds said...

I salute you, jams, master of haiku!

Actually that's an amazing feat for the sea slug.

jams o donnell said...

I am honoured Liz!

flyingtofu said...

Who would expect a book of holothurian haiku mentioned together with the nudies!

And a reader!

Of the 900+ haiku in Rise, Ye Sea Slugs! only about 100 are mine. The rest are translations of haiku, mostly old, some modern, from the japanese essayed in largely metaphorically arranged chapters. If you go for both the ding en sich (sp?) and metaphysics, you might like it. Yes, one chapter is about the Zzzzz sea slug (note: the first "sea slug" in the OED is trepang = the cuke)

robin d gill

jams o donnell said...

Why thank you for yor visit Mr Gill!