This is me done blogging until after Xmas. I would like to wish you happy band of philospopher princes (and princesses) who enjoy or endure my drivelsome musings a merry Luminos... err happy Winterval... dammit! a merry Christmas (or a Happy Hogswatch if a Terry Pratchett fan).
Jams O Donnell
Happy Hogswatch!
And a Merry Christmas, Happy Hogswatch and all of that to you as well, jams and the not-wife and the "four rambunctious moggies"! It's been great knowing all of you (through the web) this year, and I hope 2007 brings you much joy, as well as victories for West Ham and of course for Labour.
(I'm very much a Pratchett fan. And I just read Hogfather for the first time. What a tale!)
An I hope Mullet minor enjoys his presents and you and your own not-wife have a good holiday
I hope the Hogfather brings you what you want this Hogwatch Nightowl!
That is exactly what I am hoping for a nice, pleasant xmas with presents and gross over eating! I jest butwhat the hell! I hope it bring sthat joy Steve as I hope 2007 swears in a congress and a senate wiling to stick it to Dubya. Just read the Hogfather myself and seen a version on tv which wasnt bad but by nevessity left out an awful lot
Merry Christmas jams! May your goose get cooked and your turkey get stuffed. May nobody compare you to the brandy laden fruitcake at family dinner. May you not have to endure the atrocities that come with the season like figgy pudding. May your nuts be roasted and your butt be seasoned. Ham butt, of course. May you pass out from drink before they start talking trash about you. Finally, may all your presents and celebrations be happy and your Christmas toasts sappy.....just like your old Infidel friends.
Merry Christmas!
LOL or perhaps our nutroast be not half baked! On the other hand the cats will get the benefit of some bounty from my mum in the form of turkey legs which will drive them wild.. you ought to see Robun on his hind legs at full stretch. He is surprisingly tall!
Everything shopped for so now it's time to relax and enjoy the season.
Merry Christmas ewbl!
smooch smooch- happy holidays!!! enjoy!!! :)
Happ xmas to you Bryan.. Luckily we don't need to bother an oak.. the not-wife's dad has a load growing on an apple tree in his garden. It doesn't get loads of berries every year but it did this year.. hence a nice, huge sprig. We woulnn't buy it..
Have a great holiday too Betmo!
Will somebody please get me an exorcism? I can't shake Paul McCartney's "Simply having a wonderful Christmatime" out of my mind and its unnerving me.
Where is redwine? I want to wish a special Merry Christmas not only to jams but also to redwine, Steve Bates, Roman (Happy Hanukkah?), and all the other cast of characters that I see around here! Even you, Pisces.
same to you ..hope you have a good one
Have a god one too Flying. Long time no see!
Mwuahahahaha ewbl you are being punished for your sins. If you have been truly wicked I would add Mistletoe and Wine and Stop the Cavalry!
Here I am,
wishing to all my blogger friends
Merry Christmas,
a bottle of red wine (all right, also white this time inczase fish is served
and health, happiness, the company of family and friends,
And a happy and prosperous xmas Red (or should that be whitewine tonight?)
A very merry Christmas to you, Jams, from sunny old Florida... Although it's actually not too sunny. Still, I'll never complain about the 70 degree Decembers. I take it the weather is a little cooler than that in Romford, eh?
Ah it was cold but not as cold as it would have been in New York (Good ole Gulfstream!) but we don't bask in the sun as you do in Florida.
I hope you had a good Xmas Dave. Here's to a great New Year.
Best wishes and very happy new year to you and your loved ones, and cheers to redwine with a Rose glas to a happy Xmas.
An best wishes to you too Minoo. Here's to 2007 being a good year.
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