Here are a few of my my favourites
Cuckoo’s Knob, Wiltshire (yes I know knob also means prominent hill, but I am being puerile here)
Felchville. There are Felchvilles in Vermont and Maryland
Humptulips, Washington. According to Wikipedia the name is derived from a local native American language meaning “hard to pole”…
The Bastard, near Campbeltown, Scotland

Twatt. There are Twatts in the Orkneys and the Shetlands (there are twatts everywhere of course!). The word is derived from the Norse for “small parcel of land”. Still it makes for an amusing road sign!
And my all time favourite:

Wanker’s Corner. Here is the website of the Wankers Corner Saloon
Sensible posting will resume shortly
Don't forget Fucking, Austria. They have a notice below their highway sign begging people not to steal it.
In my experience, having a rude sense of humor helps make life bearable.
I hadn't Steve, but this is a family blog after all!!!!
Agreed, the ability to laugh at farts, boobs and willies is essential in my view
Wetwang (in East Yorkshire) used to raise a few sniggers when I was a lad...
...not forgetting Wankie and Broken Knob (mining towns in Zimbabwe and Australia, as I recall from 'O' Level Geography).
Ah yes wetwang is a good one! There are plenty of gloriously rude names all over the world!
Hah.. I must afmit my mum has a pleasant turn of phrase but not that!
Ha! Stella doesn't tolerate my using the b-word around her, even if the subject of discussion really is a female dog. She must have had some really bad experience with the word before we met, something that made mere distaste turn into outright loathing. I don't tend to use the word all that often anyway.
As to my departed mother, she did not like me to use such language, so I was careful to wait until I was just out of her earshot before turning loose with anything obscene. It's a good thing she didn't live to read my blog!
And this is why you are King In The Blog World, jams. Fart Jokes. *sigh* Rude City Names. *double sigh*
I've seen a town called Climax here in Texas. I always wonder if people feel odd saying, "I'm coming to Climax." What if there's a car accident? "An explosion occurred in Climax today...."
Oh, the possibilities!
lol, ewbl.. does it have a sign as you leave saying yo come again? I suppose if you live in a place with such a name the best thing to do is play up the double entendre as the people of Wanker's Corner do!
In the circumstance sit is best not to use the word at all I suppose! Ah fortunately for me my mum is computer iliterate so will never read this blog.. There might be a clip round the ear for me!
On a road trip, how many motorists have said, "Well, we've reached Climax now?"
I have a lot of fun with our neighboring burg of Tomball, Texas too.
I've just spent about ten minutes on google trying to confirm that there's a place in Spain which rhymes with hunt - I'm beginning to suspect it's a myth.
When I used to work for a fairly well known financial services company I had access to their client list (for legit purposes), and (along with a few others in the office) I used to pass the time by finding amusing names. Cockburn (a quite common surname) was quite popular. Though nothing beat the guy with the surname Hitler.
LOL ewbl is that crude county you live in! I have another one from the royal crest I will blog one slower day..
That's a shame Matt, but the ones I listed seem to be real and can be googled.
I used to work as an Immigaration Officer for some time (a job I am damn glad not to have now I can say) and sow of teh names we got were great, my favourite being Zeppelin Wong. Before that I did casual work in another govt office and I found a file of one Fanny Wiffin... I kid you not. Hitler? yikes, even William Patrick Hitler (the son of Adolf's half brother Alois dropped the name like a hot turd when he moved to the States.. Whhen he joined the US navy Hitler was inducted by a guy called Hess!
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