No it seems that Mr Shayler has gone a step further by declaring himself to be Delores Kane, a very pneumatic transvestite with surprisingly good legs!...
'I know in my heart that I am Christ and I am here to save humanity,' he began. 'I am here to show humanity the way and to show unconditional love and that includes murderers and pederasts.'
The Shayler claimed that his transvestitism was 'part of the prophecy' because 'Jesus was a transvestite', adding: 'It was important to have feminine attributes and the people I live with don't mind at all.'
Shayler says he is on a 'mission' to save the world and this would happen through his growing of hemp, adding: 'We have a plan to save the world in four months by growing hemp. If we all started growing this plant we could be free, which is why they have made it illegal to stop people gaining freedom.'
Shayler now lives with eight other squatters in a farm near Dorking, Surrey He moved there after being evicted from a farm, in Guildford. He has been living with a group who call themselves the 'Rainbow Movement.'
Shayler seems to be getting more and stranger as time goes. It is easy to get a cheap laugh. Despite the nonsense he spouts he’s looks like a rather sad case these days. His former partner Annie Machon is of the opinion that his dealings with the Government pushed him over the edge. Perhaps she’s right....
Maybe too much hemp has pushed him over the edge...
That's true Cherie
Oh yeah - he looks quite messianic there.
Not quite the image of teh Mesiah I had in mind either!
You were all duped, Shayler is neither a transvestite nor the messiah, and, surprise, he doesn't think so either..
He's playing the media's own stupid game of sensationalism, and presenting himself as a figure of fun in order to communicate his real agenda: idealism.
David strives for a decentralised society with communal living and sharing of resources.
If the media finds this too boring a topic to investigate, he has presented them with a more balmy means to disseminate his ideals.
To hear people discussing whether he's mad, bad or dangerous shows how gullible you all are.
New topic: how about discussing whether sustainable, environmentally-aware living is possible in large-scale industrialised societies. That's what David is hoping to promote.
Hmm to quote from his website
"I cannot convey to you -- especially if your heart is not open -- that I am the Chosen One of God."
"Some power is trying to tell you that David Michael Shayler, born 24th December, who awoke around 07.07.07 is the Chosen One of God – as prophecised."
These in a section called I am Messiah
If he thinks to pretend being teh Messiah will get his message over, then perhaps he is truly nuts. Nobody will get beyond the "I am Messiah" message.
Obviously I’m not living full-time as Dolores. Transvestism is not the same as transsexuality and I’m perfectly happy as a bloke. I probably dress once or twice a week at the moment. And no, I’m not gay. It’s as if I fancy women so much, I want to be one – but only on a temporary basis.
And no, I haven’t had a breakdown – I’ve been dressing as Dolores – not Delores — for years. In fact, my ex-girlfriend Annie initially encouraged my exploration of my feminine side – although only in private. I’ve been going out dressed in public since I stopped going out with her three years ago. Since then, I’ve seen very little of her and not at all this year so she really is in no position to judge my mental state. I have though on many occasions offered to explain my journey to her but she doesn’t want to listen.
Any spiritual teacher will tell you that the ultimate goal of the journey is to combine and balance the masculine and feminine. The Biblical Jesus says “I am Male and Female”. The equal-armed, Messianic Cross – the symbol of the Christ – represents this balance of the masculine and feminine.
Bad hair day!
Haha Liz!
I don't know quite what so say :)
Indeed Maddy!
I think it would be quite entertaining to listen to his sermon.
I'm sure he is quite an entertaining speaker
from reading yr post, i think he is near the edge or near it
He certainly seems to get more and more eccentric
He he. His message about 'Jesus was a transvestite' will come through quite well somewhere in Nebraska.
Perhaps with a response of "You got purty lips Boy!"
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