14 August 2009

That would be an ecumenical matter

A bit of Father Ted, my second favourite sitcom of all time. Guess who our cat Ted is named after (clue it's not Teddy Kennedy or Ted Bundy)


James Higham said...

All right - I've forgotten - what is your first?

jams o donnell said...

Ah Black Adder!

Ardent said...

I wanted to watch this video, but unfortunately it tells me that 'this video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions.'

Sean Jeating said...

Same here, Jams.

Nevin said...

Same here!

I am sorry not to be able to see it... I LOVE "Father Ted"...

jams o donnell said...

Ardent, Nevi sorry you can't seeit but Father Ted is hilarious.

Gland you like it Nevin... and you too Sean!

jmb said...

Too funny Jams and also quite funny that you named your cat after him.

jams o donnell said...

It's truly woderful stuff eh. jmb!

Robun was named after Robyn Hitchcock
Beve was named after a character in Frasier

Boris came with thename but we thionk he was named after Boris Becker, what woth him being a ginger!

Susan English Mason said...

This video is not available in my country due to censorship. Just a little Pouty humor. It's starting to feel that way over here for sure.

jams o donnell said...

Haha. Still it's a shame it's not available. It is a hilarious clip