29 August 2009

Thirsty bird

Taken at the tea room of the Paris Mosque


CherryPie said...

That's adorable, I love the drop of water on his beak :-)

Anonymous said...
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James Higham said...

You were in the Paris Mosque?

Claude said...

Great Photo! I can hear him sing: C'est à boire, à boire, à boire. C'est à boire qu'il me faut!...which translates: "I'm thirsty. Come on. Give me a drink!"

jams o donnell said...

There were so many opportunities Cherie. So I photographed a lot of birds!

I was. It has a tea room, restaurant and Hammam. We spent a pleasant hour or so drinking sweet mint tea and pastries

Aww now that's a wonderful thought Claudia!

beakerkin said...

A bird in the Drink at a House of worship perish the thought.

jams o donnell said...

not just A bird but lots of them, Beak!

Anonymous said...

You should do Mono Weekly with a shot like that. Ubiquitous spadger.

jams o donnell said...

I might just Aileni, I have tons of Spadger shots to offer!

Sean Jeating said...

As almost every second comment one can read in the so-called blogosphere is a superlative such as Excellent! - Oh my, that is absolutely gorgeous. - Amazing. - Stunning!! - Gosh, that's soooo cute! etc. etc., it's not easy to praise f.e. a photograph that is really extraordinary / special.
So what can I say / write to make a difference?
Oh well, what about this one?
Certainly not the worst picture you took so far, Jams. Chapeau!

jams o donnell said...

I've certainly taken far worse Sean!

Anonymous said...

black/white pictures are still the best.

beakerkin said...

Alas it is a swarm of infidel birds
in the drink. No doubt the birds were
under the influence of Ayn Rand and must be stopped.

Frank Partisan said...

Did you see Hitchcock's The Birds?

jams o donnell said...

Thanks Hans

Haha Beakerkin. THey were going to bore humans to death then?

Indeed Ren. Mercifully they were just after titbits and not to peck our eyes out!